Daniela Kubesch


Upcoming Talks & Workshops

A-TAG 2025

| Vienna, Austria | Talk

Talk: Im Rampenlicht: Accessibility Overlays wissenschaftlich beleuchtet

Past Events

Cancelled: CodeMash

| Sandusky, Ohio | Talk

Talk: Decoding the Impact: Accessibility Overlays through a Scientific Lens

A11Y Champs @ CBC Meetup

| Online | Talk

Talk: Decoding the Impact: Accessibility Overlays through a Scientific Lens

A11yTO Conf

| Toronto, Canada | Talk

Talk: Decoding the Impact: Accessibility Overlays through a Scientific Lens

Cancelled: ditact - Summer Studies

| Salzburg, Austria | Workshop

Workshop: Web Accessibility 101: Grundlagen der barrierefreien Webentwicklung

IKT Forum

| Linz, Austria | Talk

Talk: Im Rampenlicht: Accessibility Overlays wissenschaftlich beleuchtet

A11y Club Summit

| Amsterdam, Netherlands | Talk

Talk: Decoding the Impact: Accessibility Overlays through a Scientific Lens

Podcasts 🎙️

Barriere? Los!

Podcastfolge: Barrierefrei mit einem klick? Eine wissenschaftliche Studie zu Overlays

Teaching 🎓

  1. External Lecturer

    Salzburg University of Applied Sciences |

    Teaching future web developers (BSc, department MultiMedia Technology) on all topics related to web accessibility, such as accessibility testing, laws and standards, coding best practices or inclusive design and language.

  2. Tutoring

    Salzburg University of Applied Sciences |

    Tutoring undergraduate students (BA, department MultiMedia Art) in web development.

  3. Guest Lecture

    Salzburg University of Applied Sciences |

    Guest lecture on the basics of web accessibility for first year undergraduates (BSc, department MultiMedia Technology).